Opening a new door.
So this blog is going to serve as a place to track my progress as a yoga student committing to a daily practice.
I guess a bio is in order huh?
To start my name is Flo. I live in
Georgia just south of Atlanta. I am happily married to a very goofy and fun guy named Denver. We have a 3 year old English bulldog named
Chai and a grumpy old lady cat named Maggie. This is my family.
I guess everyone has a story how they fell in love with yoga.
For me it quickly followed my wedding in 2003.
I gained a lot of weight following our wedding, I was working crazy hours at a high stress job and let my health go. Recently married, new homeowner, crazy was a recipe for insanity!
One morning I got on the scale and saw that I was almost 150 pounds; and on a 5 foot 5 frame it isn't healthy.
So, what initally led me to yoga was vanity. So, I joined the local health club. Trying different group classes like spin and body pump. Also trying out the machines like the elliptical. However, after a few weeks I was getting very bored with the routine. I was making excuses to not go to the gym (don't we all). :)
I received the monthly listing of classes and I noticed they were offering yoga classes for beginners. Awesome! I had always wanted to try yoga.
So the next day I found myself at Target getting a mat and heading to my first yoga class.
That class was an eye opener. The teacher taught a mix of Iyengar/Anusara.
I couldn't touch my toes and the breathing was totally throwing me off. But I loved it.
I l
eft the class feeling a little more calm, happier (if only short lived) and
it was a great workout! I practiced at the gym for about 6 months.
Hungry for more of a studio environment I ventured into Atlanta trying different Studios & styles. I've tried Hot yoga,
Kundalini, but I've found a home at
Balance Yoga.
I will never forget my first class at Balance. I felt like a fish out of water and at home all at the same time. I was very limited in what
asanas I could
perform, but the teacher was so calm and encouraging.
I quickly signed up for the basics series of
Ashtanga that week.
I went to class 3 times a week for 6 weeks. By the end of the 6 weeks series I felt like a different person.
asanas were still very difficult, I was still a beginner, but for the first time in my life I felt like I could be happy with my progress and just enjoy the moment.
That was 3 years ago. I continue to practice
Ashtanga and learn every day.
I am unable to get to the studio daily, I do attempt to go to Mysore classes or Primary series at least once a week and strive for a daily
practice at home.
I strongly believe in the benefits of yoga on the body and the mind.
Spiritually it is leading me on a path of happiness I never thought was possible.
I still have my bad days, I still cry and get angry. But Yoga has helped me understand myself and helped me know what I can do to lead a happy and fulfilled life.
It is a moving meditation.
blog is going to be a place to share my daily practice.
I've been striving for a daily practice for some time, and I've come up with every excuse in the book to skip my pracitce.
Not anymore. I am going to commit to a 6 day a week Vinyasa/Ashtanga style practice. If only sun salutations and the closing sequence. I am certain I can benefit by even small amounts of yoga daily.
That is what I hope to share here.
shanti shanti shanti(peace peace peace)