Today was super busy at work. I made it through.
I taught yoga and it was a fun mixed group. Some new students and some of my weekly students.
It was alot of fun. Some of them are even getting into full backbends and one of the students was able to get into forearm with my support.
But it was all her; she was almost into it before I walked over to help.
I even had a student bring me a DVD to review and let him know what I thought. AND a new student that is doing weight training and said he really enjoyed the class. He was very built and in good shape and he said "this is harder than weight trainging" He said he would be back.
It makes me feel so lucky to even share the little I do know about this practice.
<3 much love!
I came home and did my own practice. I decided to practice drop-backs (into backbends) I had to get over my fear of hitting my head. I can see some things that need worked on after looking at the video. It is pretty good to watch video from time to helps to see how you are doing things.
I also hope to eventually get back up from drop-backing...One day :)
I took 2 little videow.
3 weeks ago
You look great, Flo! And say hello to my friend, Chai. :D
Thank you!
Woo-hoo! on the drop back. The ending was just adorable..I love your dog! :)
I love it when your dog came in !
omg!!! that was utterly Adorable~your chai is like my bindi...they Love to come give love and kisses during yoga practice~ so sweet! love hearing your voice too, you sound like my friend heather :0)
you have a big belly.
AWESOME! it looks fantastic :) It's so inspiring that you were working on your fear and videotaped it...
I loved it when your dog came in too- it was hilarious! :)
also- although I don't want to acknowledge the previous commenter specifically.... I feel like leaving it as the last response leaves a sour feel- you do NOT have a big belly. You have a strong belly- there is no other way you could have done that drop back!
WOOT WOOT on a fantastic drop back! :)
lol You have a boston that loves yoga, too?
My boston has been looking at me weird when I'm doing yoga. I'm a beginner, so it's something she isn't used to seeing. She can't tell if it's time to play, or when I get on the floor, it's time for her to jump in my lap.
Then I have a cat that wants to hog my mat. As soon as I lay out my mat, he runs over and lays in the middle of it. Oh geez. lol
And that drop back is impressive. I can't see myself doing that anytime soon! lol I'm just impressed that I did a tree today without falling over. lol
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