Happy Monday!
And we are greeted with light snow in Atlanta! How odd!!
This morning headed to mysore practice. It was yummy...again. I know that typically after a good practice; the next one seems a bit "rough" but today was pretty good.
Also, the mysore community at balance seems to be growing. I think when I left the room had 6 people. That is pretty good.
My practice was sweaty (as usual...) and my body felt pliable. I think not eating after 4:00/5:00 is making a difference in my morning practice.
Still working on my "jump throughs" I will get it one day.
Lets see...getting my head closer to the floor on Prasarita Padottanasana A which means my hamstrings are waking up :)
Was able to "touch" my hands in Marichyasana D but I can't balance and bind without my teacher. But the thing is that I was able to tough on both sides. So that is showing consistent progress. The thing is that it is a tough tough twist for me...but honestly it feels pretty awesome on my spine.
Hmmm...what else about practice; Oh yes!!!! My teacher moved me onto a new asana. No more stopping at Navasana. lol
So worked Bhuja Pidasana Always fun to work on something new and challenging. Then onto backbending...which was wonderful. I love backbending. One day I will be able to come up on my own....one day.
So, this week will be busy. I finished both of my papers for training; Breathing book review and Yoga & Hinduism. My brain got so overloaded when I was doing the 2nd paper. Goodness!
Friday I head back up to Asheville. May is going to be here so quick!!
Okay, lots to do! Enjoy your Monday.
3 weeks ago
light snow?????
nice to hear about your changes, congratulations on the new asana, it's nice to explore something new.
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