What a weekend. My home team; the New Orleans Saints; are going to the Super Bowl!!! :)
History in the making!
I stayed up past my bedtime then was up at 4:30 am. Headed out the door by 5:00am for Mysore practice at the Studio.
It was a pretty busy room this morning.
I set an intention for this practice: Flow with the breath, be mindful, no judgement.
I repeated this often to myself. It helped keep my practice lighter.
I didn't eat dinner late and I could tell a bit of a difference in my body. I re-read David Swensons book recently and reviewed some of his tips on Jump Backs and Forward.
With instruction from my teacher I am still only practicing up to Marichyasana D.
I can't fully bind yet. So, she really wants me to get that prior to moving into the next postures.
So I am keeping with it...and not judging. Apparently my shoulders are just too tight.
But..no judgement. Just keep working through it :)
Backbending today was good. I was tempted to try dropbacks; because I dreamed about them last night. How lame am I to dream about my yoga practice! lol
I love it...can't help it.
So the rest of the week is home practice. Lets see if I can keep up with my intention for the entire week: Flow with the breath, be mindful, no judgement
4 weeks ago
"Flow with the breath, be mindful, no judgement" and ... and ... "non-attachment to outcome".
It's also my attention and intention when I do my practice.
With metta.
I dream about drop backs all the time! I think my brain is practising for when I'm finally able to do the real thing. In my dreams, drop backs are so fun and easy - if only that was the case in waking life!
Nataraja...I agree. Non-attachment to the outcome or the fruits. Indeed!
Kaivalya- You are right. They seemed so fun and graceful in my dream.
Lets see if I can recreate that at some point in real life! :)
What a great mantra! Alone or together -
Flow with the breath.
Be mindful.
No judgement.
I love it. Thank you!
Nice blog. I did my teacher training at AYC years ago. I enjoyed seeing pictures of the studio and I like your eclectic and forgiving attitude toward yoga.
Lisa- great to have an "alumni" of AYC :)
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