I've been away for a while. Between a trip home (To Louisiana to visit my family) work picking up with so much to do and my laptop needing to be reformatted...I've been away!
But with no help from Dell I did wipe my laptop clean and reinstall all the Operating Systems and Drivers and we are back up and working. I am kind of impressed with that. I have done it with Dell on the phone a few times before. But they make it very complicated.
Regardless...I am working.
My trip home was short and sweet. It was filled with different emotions. Love, happiness, sadness, and disappointment.
I really don't fell like I fit in there too much anymore. But going home is always cleansing.
It was amazing to see my sister and her boys and my oldest Niece & nephew. That alone was worth the little to no sleep we got!
Work has been changing, rearranging and lots of training. But I am hopeful.
I can't believe it is September (this week) a little over one month from Yoga Teacher Training. I have come across some doubts and second guessing and rethinking and worries. But it is all part of it.
I am reading the material required. I am practicing at least 5 days a week (might not be a long hour practice but I am getting on my mat)
This month I have a plan and hope to stick with it. It should help me gear up for the training. I am also going to take some mysore classes. I know...I go back and forth. I like the balance between a structured Ashtanga practice and mixing in a few times a week with some fun flow sequences. I think that is what makes me the happiest (for the moment)
Here are some photos from Louisiana:
Me & The sister. This is my baby sister. She is a baby to me...Only 16 months younger and seriously we've been through ups and downs; but overall she is pretty awesome and a great mommy!
Daddy & Brady
Me & Brady (and his robots)
Me & William
Getting beat by the HULK
Brady built Chai a "Clubhouse" Chai loved the attention:
Finishing Touches on Bailey's birthday cake
My oldest Nephew (Bailey) breakdancing...Future Yogi?
My oldest Niece Kelsey...she is so funny and really refreshing to be around.
Kelsey & I doing backbends. We also helped each other with dropbacks :)
Too Much sugar and no sleep...then DANCE PARTY. Bringing back the runningman!
I love my family and very lucky to have some amazing children around to remind me of what truly matters.
Miss everyone already!