The weeekend in Asheville was wonderful. Learned lots of helpful adjustments, sequences, played around with different variations of Sun Salutes, did Viniyoga one evening, Yin Yoga, a master flow class, watched videos on Krishnamacharya and BKS Iyengar.
Now to work on my papers, reading assignments and keepnig up with daily asana, mediation and journaling practice.
The whole experience is pretty fun and awesome.
I took Monday off from practice. With it being a Moon Day and getting back to work and my rountine. It was nice to take the day in stride.
This morning however it was back to the mat. I decided to do 1/2 primary. Mid way through Surya Namaskara B I was already becoming tired and heavy...weird.
But I kept going. Since my toe is still acting up I skipped over Janu C and I've been stepping back through my vinyasas rathern than jumping.
All in all not a bad practice. My backbends were tight and Navasana was exhasuting. I could feel the ab work we did this weekend for sure!
Meditation was such a nice ending this morning.
Not much else to report. I have 3 weeks to read 2 books. So I better get started :)
I am teaching Vinyasa Flow on Monday & Thursdays at Lotus Yoga come by if you can.
I like teaching. We keep working towards getting the word out about our tiny yoga bubble.
5 weeks ago
May I ask- is this your first yoga teacher training? I'm curious because you say that you are teaching already. All the best!
This is my first 200hr Yoga Alliance training. I've taken workshops over the last 5 years and I took a week long vinyasa teacher training with the Asheville Yoga Center. I have a certificate to teach Vinyasa yoga but it isn't the full 200 hours recognized by the Yoga Alliance. However it is over 60 hours of training, reading and hands on teaching/adjusting. So it was enough to teach a few beginner classes. However, my main focus is still my personal practice.
Thanks for the question :)
Ahso! I see now. Thanks for sharing!!!
Oh Flo, you're yoga training makes me nostalgic :D
So tell me, what did you think of Viniyoga?
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