Friday, January 30, 2009
Happy Friday!
I am so happy it is Friday! :)
Because I am winding down from the week, I am tired and want to sleep in a little this weekend, tonight is mysore class...and I get 2 days off from work. So all this equals a happy Flo.
Last nigth was night. I headed home at 4:30 to pick up my husband and we then headed into Atlanta to go to Food For Thought at World Peace Cafe.
They have it every Thursday. When Denver was picking up our food the other night he noticed what the topic was and thought it would be interesting to go. The topic was "Staying Happy with Unhappy People"
It was a nice low-key event. $15 a person which includes an amazing meal after.
The discussion and guided meditation was very insighful and lead by a Senior Teacher that was very relatable and calming. I really enjoyed the meditation. Denver said he would fall in and out of it pretty quickly but he is going to work on his practice.
After we all gathered in the cafe over pots of tea and an amazing Peto pasta, soup and Denver had a full veggie sandwich. The teacher talked to each of us for a bit and invited us for Sunday Service. I think we might go.
We are still feeling our way through to see if this is something we want to continue with.
We shall see.
Tonight is Mysore practice. I have to admit I've done very little this week. Just fitting in the minimum of 10 sun salutations and the 3 closing postures. My only full practice this week was on Monday. So I am looking forward to tonight's practice and dreading it all at the same time. It will be nice though. I need to get better with keeping up my practice.
All is a work in progress.
Time to get some work done. So back to the grindstone.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
A little yoga and a little relaxing
After class I grabbed dinner at whole foods and read in the lobby of the yoga studio while the basics class finished up. After that class I cleaned. However, for some reason the lotus frog fell off the back of the toliet in the bathroom into a ton of pieces. I had to text my teacher to tell her the frog met an untimely death...poor frog statue.
Today was a busy day at work. Just constant stream of work. All good stuff, just busy!
However I got home so late last night I didn't get enough sleep. So around 5:00 I cut out of work and headed home.
I did a light home practice. 5 Surya Namaskara A & 5 Surya Namaskara B then some of the standing and the final 3 poses.
I did try some backbends and a wide-legged dropback. However, it made me a little nauseous for some reason.
So, I ended with a short meditation and laid down for a few minutes. Not sure why I got nauseous. So Den & i just made dinner and I am feeling better!
Here are a few Pictures from before my practice. Of me & Chai.
I am off to read for a bit then going to bed early.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Weekends are for recovering!
Then we went to the book store for a bit.
I picked up the Pocket by Pema Chodron. It is a pocket book to carry with me with a daily reading.
It is keeping my pocket version of the Yoga Sutras company in my purse. I typically read it during lunch time.
I also received the book I ordered on Amazon a few weeks ago:
Yoga and Vegetarianism: The path to Greater Health & Happiness
So after grabbing some books we came home and watched a movie we've had around for a bit. The movie was really good.
The Namesake.
After that I've been drinking lots of tea and feeling better. So I did a small home yoga practice.
Now we are just hanging out and reading.
Also Marney
All out of fabric I received from Nicole.
Tomorrow is my long day! After work I am headed to the Yoga Studio for Mysore class. Then cleaning the studio after. I get home late on Mondays!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Quick Hello!
Work has been...busy and I am a little burnt out. But will return Monday refreshed.
Doing little yoga at home, mainly restorative and lots of hip openers..
With a congested head it is hard to do a full practice.
Tomorrow I hope to make it to Led Primary class.
Today I cleaned around the house, got groceries and a bubble tea.
Now onto reading and hanging out.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Lots going on, what else is new :)
I am listening to Eat, Pray & Love on CD during my 1 hour commute to and from work. My yoga teacher gave it to me to listen to. It is really good!
It really reminds me that I love to travel and hope to take that abroad some day.
So, Yoga related...
Monday night was Mysore class. After working a few hours at the office I changed and headed to the studio. The small mysore room was heated pretty quickly by our breath. It was cold and tiny flurries of snow (not enough to stick) were falling outside the fogged up windows while the 7 of us trugged through our Primary Series Practice. Well, I think one of the teachers was practicing her second series. However, I wasn't paying much attention. I believe I heard her talking about it after class.
My practice was...okay. I tried to stay focused on my mat. My body felt as if it was fighting against me. However, I made it through most of the primary series. I stopped just a few postures short of the entire series. Next week we are adding on another posture. In 3 weeks I should be proficient in the entire primary series.
After that nice sweaty practice a few of us mysore students headed to Whole Foods for dinner. While chatting over Tofu and juice I remembered that this practice is more to me than just asana. I was almost in tears when I finally went into Savasana last night. Mainly it was because I was so wrapped up in my practice and my obstacles. I actually thought for a moment "WHY do I do Asana?? It is so hard for my curvy body. I am not built for this. Perhaps if I loose a few more pounds it would be easier. But, how can I loose more weight. I eat pretty healthy." My thoughts went on and on. Finally I made it to Savasana and said to myself... no one cares what you look like in Yoga pants. No one cares you are curvy, why does it even bother me. Just let it go...
So I tried as hard I could to slip into Savasana. If only for a moment or two.
Then after exchanging emails with a dear friend & yogi today...she reminded me that Asana practice is an act of devotion to god. Whoever your god is. Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Your own doesn't matter. As long as you do your asana as an offering to the higher power.
But Asana is more than just being bendy.
I have to continually remind myself of this. Over and over and over again. Even if I NEVER get my feet behind my head or if I always need help getting into headstand.
It doesn't matter in the end.
So...there is my mind letting loose on my keyboard.
Now time to hang out with my husband and stay warm by the fire.
I will check in a few more days.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
No fun!
I dragged my tired butt to Led Primary class this morning. I also dragged through my practice. I had a mental note: "You know it is going to be a long practice when your arms are already burning and exhausted by the 3 Sun Salutation" I literally thought this while doing my 3rd Sun Salutation: "So it is going to be one of those is going to take forever to get through this"
So apprently my body and my mind did not want to practice today. I must be fighting something because I had sweat so much my hair was soaking wet at the end. I know that sounds gross...but it is just a wonderful by-product of a great Ashtanga practice.
So, I obviously needed my practice today. I felt great after; but during my practice it took every ounce of energy to make it through each vinyasa between postures.
But, it was worth it.
After class I headed to Whole Foods to grab some stuff for lunch including a Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie! :)
Then headed home. My husband was working today (due to the freezing temps here many pipes had burst around Atlanta and he had to get his service people invovled)
So I had the house to myself for a bit. I gave Chai a bath, I also took a shower then made Vegan Mock Chicken Salad for our lunches on Monday...what else. I finished sewing a yoga mat bag and some more Lavender Eye Pillows.
Now, I am just relaxing and reading bits and pieces of the texts I need to read for the workshop in April.
Not much else!
I am going into work tomorrow. Just a short day from 9:00 to 4:00 then heading to Mysore class.
The weekends are too short!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday Night Yogini Style
Anyway! My weekend was crazy busy but I managed to get onto my mat here and there!
So far this week I've made it to the studio 3 times! And I plan to go tomorrow for Led Primary Class.
Last night after work (which work was insane!) I headed to the Studio for Mysore. The Friday evening Mysore class is growing! I added on 2 more asanas past Supta Kurmasana. I am happy that I am no longer relying on my cheat sheet! That is an accomplishment in itself!
So my practice was good. My sciatic issues were still there, just not as noticable. I was careful in my forward folds.
After class my teacher and I chatted about yoga travels in the fututre. I folded Lavedner Towels, put in a new load of towels, Swept the floors and mopped the floors with a wonderful smelling tea tree oil mixture.
After that I grabbed 2 sandwiches that were given to the mysore students. (One of the students work sat a Soup place and brought the remaining sandwiches so everyoen could have a snack after!) I grabbed 2 PB&J and 1 avocado one. Dinner for Denver & I!
I came home, played with Chai and watched Ashtanga, NY (my teacher lent me her copy to watch)
All in all it was a nice way to spend a Friday night!:)
I am about to head out and take care of some things with Dever. I am venturing into the coldness of Atlanta!:)
Happy Saturday
Friday, January 16, 2009
Busy Yogi
Luckily I've made time for work, my husband & yoga. Everything else comes 2nd.
Wednesday nights are our date night; so that means no yoga, no computer. Just Den & I watching movies, reading and eating dinner together.
It is always something nice to look forward to. :)
So; I've neglected updating. I promise to get on the computer this weekend and catch up with everyone!
Tracey- I received the BEAUTIFUL necklace you sent me. I am wearing it right now. I love getting nice tokens from others. Just nice reminders of how wonderful people can be.
So my yoga update:
Monday- Mysore class then Thai food with friends. Was a great night!
Tuesday- Home practice (I worked really late!)
Wednesday- Date Night- no yoga
Thursday- Went to Vinyasa Flow. Was a fun class and with sciatic issue I've been trying to overcome this week I had to modify and really listen to my back. I am done with the steroid my doctor gave me. I am starting to feel relief. Yoga has helped as well. I just have to remember to be mindful of this issue. Apparently my grandmother had these issues as well and since I am getting this issue (the 2nd episode) I was told it could flair up from time to time so I need to stay conscious of it.
Tonight is Mysore class. Friday night mysore is getting really popular! That is great!
Okay well lots to do here at the office so time to get to it!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Lovely Sundays
Then I headed into Atlanta for 10:00 Led Primary Class. It was and hour and a half of wonderfulness.
My teacher was aware of my sciatic issue this week and gave me mini back rubs in forward folds. That was nice.
I even made it through 5 full backbends and that was nice. I usually have to substitute one or two with bridge.
So all in all it was a good pratice. I made lavender towels and sweep the floor and got a second to say hi to Marsha before heading home.
After a hot shower I made Vegan Mock Chicken Salad. It came out well. I am now off to do some stuff for work then read.
Hope you have a great evening!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I love Saturdays
I love Saturdays.
Today I did my typical weekend cleaning: Vaccum, dust, empty dishwaser, filled dishwasher, Sweep & Mop Floors, Empty litter box, clean the bathroom.
I juiced Kale, Ginger, Cucumbers, Apples and cranberries.
I am enjoying some Decaffeinated Earl Gray tea with almond milk; a new favorite around my house. I do have caffeinated tea in the mornings but typically we end our day with some hot tea.
Denver & I then ran a few errands to pick up some groceries and we were excited that the Oriental Market Place filled their new Vegetarian Cooler! They told us in December they would have a huge freezer dedicated to Vegetarian food. They've had a small selection in the past but they now Carry May Wah and other great veggie meats and such.
We picked up some fake Ham, Pepper Steak and we came home to make Beef Chunks (they tasted better than they sound)
I am also in love with this chili sauce Sambal Oelek
So enough about food!
I wen to Mysore class last night. My practice was very different. My Asana practice was not was difficult. I mean it was still hard (becuase that is just how Ashtanga is for me) but since I am practicing more the practice is coming a little more naturally.
However my mind was all over the place. My mind was not on my own mat; so that kind of bothered me. But we all have those days.
After Savasana I left my mat where it was and headed into the lobby. I read for a bit as all the students finished up. After I stayed to clean the studio (I am cleaning Mondays & Fridays in exchange for classes)
It was nice to talk to the teachers again and the massage therapist that works and teaches at the studio might give me a good deal on a massage. we talked about my sciatica issues.
During practice I took it easy on forward folds in order to not irritate the nerve. It is weird because after practice my legs are kind of like pins & needles. I feel pressue being relieved. Then after sitting in my car for about 15 min the numbing and pain starts to return. I hope my back figures things out soon.
I am reading the books required for the workshop/teacher training in April.
There are parts of Stephanie Keach's Yoga Handbook I do enjoy. I am reading the portion on Lifestyle (I am jumping around a bit in the book)
Within the first few lines she states: "A yoga teacher must have a daily practice. Satya is truthfulness; without being true to our own practice, how can we teach?"
She also goes on to say that days when asana is not doable due to injury, illness and etc... there is always meditation and pranayama practice.
There is also a portion on "Food and other ingested substances"
She pretty much states that Ahimsa is very important. Also talks about Coffee and Alcohol. (I am not a huge coffee person but I am a big Tea person)
I was happy to read that from her. The workshop will be fun and I am arriving with no epectations to see where our student/teacher chemistry is and just go with it.
So today my practice was a light practice.
Tomorrow I am going to Mysore (hopefully unless I sleep in and practice at home)
I am headed to my sewing machine right now.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Vinyasa Style
It was a nice sweaty class. Jen was subbing and I never get to take her classes, so that was extra nice. She helped me with headstand since the only open spot was the center of the room; so she helped get me balanced and left me on my own.
I enjoyed flipping my dog and doing fun things outside of my normal Ashtanga Primary Series.From time to time it is a nice challenge.Pigeon was fun too.Off to bed.
Turning 30
I turn 30 on March 2nd. I consider it a big day because I an moving into a new time in my life. My 20's were something of chaotic and a mess. The last 3 years I discovered yoga and feel I am entering into my 30's a happier, calmer person
Yoga Check In
Work has been crazy!
Long and late hours this week. I am posting from my phone because it has been a few days since I've posted. All is well, just busy and not getting enough rest. Something always suffers when work gets busy. I am working on that.
I think I need to improve upon my time management and work on staying on track with my "To Do List"
Anyway! Yoga related: I had a small home practice on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mainly to help with my Sciatic nerve. I was in horrible pain on Tuesday so I broke down and saw a Chiropractor. It helped a bit. I think it is inflamed. But I did in get a small practice. Tonight I heading to the studio for Vinyasa Flow class. I need to get into a class tonight to get that motivation.
There are so many benefits from a home practice and there are so many great benefits from a class/teacher. I think for mY personal practice I need a good combination of both. I am starting to volunteer at the yoga studio 2 days a week in exchange for yoga. That will get me to the studio 3 times a week and help me financially. The studio is run by an amazing group of ladies!! For the past 2 years that studio has been a source of joy and happiness. Well I need to stop Texting and concentrate on work.
Make it a great day!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sore vs. Stiff
I left work and headed to Mysore class tonight. It was SUPER sweaty in the small mysore room at Balance.
It was a good energy and I had a good practice despite being S0ORE...
After the standing and most of the seated postures I was beat up and soaked with sweat (how nice!)
I got thorugh 5 backbends and did pretty well.
At the end of Class I stayed outside on their nice deck. They have a nice seating area. It was 60 degrees outside so it was nice to cool down before putting on a normal non-yoga top.
I have 2 more classes on my pass to Urban Body...
After I talked to Nicole (who is a dear friend and a yoga teacher) she reminded me that even though I am sore I need to continue with my practice and not slack off...because I will become stiff.
Being stiff is MUCH worse than being sore!
Speaking of sore...I felt muscles all day long that I honestly have not felt in a long time. My stomach and sides where that "good kind of ache" and the reminder that my Sunday practice was a good one!
I received in the mail the outline for the week training with Stephanie Keach
I still need to get through the 2 books I have and need to read.
So far the outline for the week is like this:
8:30-10:30 Master Class
10:30-12:00 Teacher Training
12:00-2:00 Break
2:00-5:00 Teacher Training
5:00-7:00 Dinner Break
7:00-8:30 Evening Training
7:30-:30 Teacher Training
8:30-10:30 Master Class
10:30-1:00 Lunch
1:30-6:00 Teacher Training
8:30 Master Class
10:30-12:30 Teacher Training
12:30-1:00 Graduation
The trip will be fun and a nice workshop learning adjustments and of course 5 days of yoga with a friend away from stress will be amazing!
Not much else. Denver cooked Dinner and I am about to head to bed.
Hugs on a Monday!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
KPJ Ashtanga Yoga Institute.
Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and R. Sharath have established the KPJ Ashtanga Yoga Institute USA in order to continue disseminating the teachings of Pattabhi Jois in America. This year there will be a number of activities by the Institute to fulfill this desire, including a potential trip by Guruji in the spring to Florida, and classes by Sharath in NYC in April, as well as workshops by him in San Francisco and Toronto. Registration for these classes will be up and running shortly.
Now if only I could afford to travel to NYC or San Fran!
Why can't every day be like today
Woke up at 7:30- headed to Mysore. Ashtanga Yoga Atlanta.
For some reason I was very intimidated by going to a Mysore class, but I dealt with my silly fears and entered into the class room.
I've been to Urban Body for the Atlanta Yoga Conference the last 2 years. The facility is bright, beautiful, clean and has showers and lockers which is always nice. They have their own Bikram Studio as well.
The room where Mysore was being held was dimily lit but enough where you could focus on your mat. I arrived at 9:30 when mysore began. I walked in to a pretty full class. The room could hold a decent amount of people. I say we had about 10 when I got there.
Everyone was facing the center ofthe room, so that was great because it meant everyone got a wall (thank goodness for me and my headstand!)
I started in on Primary Series and the breathing in the room set the right mood and I stopped being nervous.
I have to say I got some amazing adjusments and was pushed to my limit in the good way.
Oh yes...I did drop backs with the help of the teacher!! I haven't done them since Miami with Kino.
I love how open I become. However they are still so difficult and scary!
After practice I showered and met a friend for coffee. It was a great time. We talked for like 2 hours.
Then Denver & I met up at World Peace Cafe Which oddly is affiliated with the author of this book he is reading by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
So he picked another book in their gift shop.
It was a really nice day!
We came home and I gave Chai girl a bath. Then I finished sewing this yoga mat bag!
I think it is a very pretty fabric and it is prize for WoYoPracMo
I hope whoever wins this really loves it!
So today has been wonderful and I hate for it to end and tomorrow is back to work!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Sciatica & Savasana
Up at 7:00 and out the door at 8:00. My husband and I were in the car most of the day running errands, grabbing lunch.
It was a good day...just a long day!
When I got home I spent some time with Chai playing and goofing around; she needed some love! She is such a great dog.
Then onto house stuff like vacuuming, empty the dishwasher, fill the dishwasher.
Then I spent some time making Lavender Eye Pillows.
After spending some time being creative it was time to finally get on my mat. My sciatic nerve has been such a pain this week in my left leg.
What better to help than yoga. A few Sun Salutations from Dharma Mittra's series, Dhanura-asana, Cobra, Down Dog. Then I spent a lot of time in Supta Padangusthasana. It helped allievate that pain so much! If only for a few short moments.
After a nice long Savasana I felt awesome. It was much easier to relax using my new Eye Pillow--I had to make one for me too, I always give them away! :)
Then just a few moments in meditation, it was raining pretty heavy and the rain helped me to relax some. I've been using instruction from Dharma Mittra's Maha Sadhana Level I DVD for meditation.
Now I am relaxing and about to work on some gifts for friends.
Tomorrow morning I am heading to 9:30 Mysore class at a new studio--one I hope to get to once a week before work (they offer 6:00am Mysore)
My teacher from the main studio I practice at is going to join me for Mysore then coffee/breakfast.
I only have postures through Navasana memorized...I will wing it from there.
I hope everyone is enjoying a nice Saturday.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Intention & Interruptions
With great intention I woke up this morning, dressed and headed to my yoga space at home. I rolled out my mat, burned some incense and started in on the Primary Series. Only to be interruped during surya namaskara B with phone calls regarding work.
Between putting out fires for work I did get in a semi-decent practice through the standing postures.
Then onto closing. I did not get into Savasana as much as I would have liked.
I am now off to shower and head to the office for a few short hours (while everyone is off today..maybe I can get a few things done)
Tonight I hope to fit in some more asana and seated meditation.
I am reading Meditations from the Mat daily; since we are into a new year.
A piece of todays reading I wanted to share.
"Yoga is the study of balance, and balance is the aim of all living creatures; it is our home."
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2009 Begins
Last night was a lot of fun at home.
I talked to Nicole which was great to chat and talk about last year and the year to come.
Denver & I ate Chilli, watched the Peach & Apple drop, goofed around. It was a lot of fun.
I did wake up with a major sinus headache. Apparently the crazy weather changes here in Georgia are affecting my sinuses.
I juiced some veggies this morning, made breakfast and took some medicine. It is starting to feel better.
I have a tofurky in the oven, Black-eyed peas on the stove and we are making greens as well. It all smells really yummy!
I am going to skip going to the yoga studio today. I am going to practice at home, shower, and read.
I do have some awesome yoga plans for 2009! I am excited because things are coming into place I think..finally!!
2009 Yoga Related Plans:
1) Taking Mysore classes 2-3 times a week at Atlanta Ashtanga/Urban Body
I still have to make sure my boss is cool if I come into work around 8 or 8:30 a few times a week. I hope so!
2) Monday Nights I am taking classes at Atlanta Self Discovery: Alternating Mondays will be: The Bhagavad Gita & An ayurveda book study
3) Vinyasa Workshop in Ashville this April- which I am reading The Heart of Yoga; Developing a Personal Practice & The Yoga Handbook
4) Visit Nicole this summer...something Yoga related of course. I hope Dharma visits Chicago! Or if Cara does a workshop of some sort.
5) Denver has been reading books on Buddhism and he has some genuine interest in it. So I found this really nice retreat in the North Georgia Mountains called Mandala. One class coming up is a meditation & jounraling day. It includes a vegetarian lunch and guided meditation. So I think he & I will try to do this at some point this year!
6) Going to see Krishna Das. I can't afford both of the nights he is in town and I wasn't thrilled with Variety playhouse. So I think I will take his workshop at Jai Shanti
7) Denver & I are going to composte! With jucing there is a lot of pulp & stuff left over. So Denver mentioned about composting for soil. So we got a large garbage can with a lid off the back deck. He knows what to do so I am letting him take charge of this. But the good news is we can use the soil to plan veggies this sping!
Some other things I would love to do but not sure if it will happen (crossing fingers and hoping to do week finanically)
- Head to North Caroline for a weekend to practice with Chandra Om- Perhaps on a Maha Sadhana? She is the closest I can get to Dharma and NYC is so far away!
- Go to NYC when Nicole graduates from teacher training.
- Somehow practice with Kino MacGregor again some point this year.
- Manju jois is doing a workshop in Atlanta. But with taking a week off for Ashville I can't take more time off of work or spend the money.
I thought I would share with you something Dharma sent out to his mailing list. I thought it was a nice reminder for the New Year; You can read them here on his site (and posted below)
To my dearest students and friends,
- Spend time Meditating. Meditation is unbroken concentration and the most effective type is self-reflection. Spend at least 15 minutes meditating every morning.
- Get serious about your practice! One must get serious and simply attending class is not enough. Spend at least 15 minutes each morning doing Asana and focus on the main ones: Headstand, Shoulderstand, Plow, Fish and Cobra.
- Drink lots of green juices and remember the first Yama, Ahimsa. As long as you are involved with violence, your meditation will go nowhere.
- Understand the five subtle bodies or sheathes so that you can commence negating them at once.
- How you begin something is of great significance. If you begin the New Year with a big mug of coffee, it sets the wrong tone for the entire year to come. Begin 2009 committed to the attainment of Self-Knowledge.
- Outside of the three main texts, The Bhagavad Gita, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Yoga Padipika, read and study Swami Sivananda’s Self-Knowledge as it contains all the answers.
- Dedicate the fruit of all action and be nice to everyone. OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.
Hopefully some of this inspires you! I know I am. I am going to do my very best to make this year the best! Oh Yeah and I am turning 30 this year! It is going to be awesome! Here are our New Years Eve Photos to share!
Also; my sister-in-law took this photo that I feel in love with. She knew I liked it so much she framed me a copy for Christmas. It is so beautiful and special. It know hangings in my home and in a place where Denver & I see it every day.